Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Reality check...

I've decided this will be my last blog for a while...

I've lost 4.5lb over the last 2 weeks, so hopefully my weightloss is back on track - I'm still hopeful of losing a few more lbs before the end of the year so I can start next year from a good place.

I had a health assessment yesterday and, as expected, I'm overweight and unfit. Some of the numbers (body fat, cholesterol, hip to waist ratio and VO2) were pretty scary when compared to those for a healthy person, and apparently if I want to maintain my current weight I'd need to eat over 3000 calories per day!

One of the things that the assessment brought home to me was that I seriously need to improve my fitness levels. With that in mind, I am planning to get more exercise (so today I've had 3 walks and done some DIY, which adds to the walks and tree planting I've done over the weekend). I'm putting this blog on ice as part of my effort to do more active things (e.g. housework, getting on top of batch cooking, swimming and walking) on an evening. Hopefully that will get me fitter so the next time I have an assessment it'll not be such bad news!

It's been fun writing this blog, and at times it's also been challenging and emotional. Without the support of my wife, my group and readers of this blog I wouldn't have managed to keep going on my SW journey, so thanks to you all (especially my wife!).

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Hello blogging my old friend...

It's been quite a while since my last post. I'm sorry I've been away for so long - life has been pretty manic so I've not had much time or inclination to blog.

Since I last posted I've gone off the rails a bit - possibly as a result of life being as it has been - some pretty stressful times at work combined with being v busy at home combined to mean eating what was convenient rather than anything SW friendly.

We've also been celebrating my wife's birthday for a week or so, with plenty of synful food as a bit (or should that be a lot!) of a treat.

I think I'm back on track again now, and still have a mini target of finishing the year at the lowest I have been this year - it just becomes a bit harder now!

I know it's a wihle until Christmas, but I am planning to figure out our menu for Christmas day in the next week or so. With a bit of luck and preparation I can maximise my food optimising when we are cooking over the Christmas period so we don't have to worry quite as much when we're not. I just have to try to resist the Heston Blumenthal Christmas pudding that keeps calling my name in Waitrose!

I've only got one or two 5 day weeks before Christmas, so am hoping that I can make use of some of the time I have off to prepare some meals in batches - that way it's easier to stick to plan and see the weight drop off. I'll keep you posted!