At weigh in last night I lost 2lb. It surprised me at first because I had been expecting a gain since I remembered a few things I had eaten that were outside my syns allowance.
Sitting waiting for group to start I went back over the weeks food in my head and realised that I had actually been pretty good. I made a lot of meals SW style and made the right decisions most of the time. If I hadn't been quite as naughty I expect I would've seen a greater loss, but I am happy with shedding the weight I put on last week.
I am now reinvigorated. So much so, that following a pub lunch (steak sandwich with homemade chips that probably uses up a couple of days worth of syns, so low syn for rest of the week) with a couple of colleagues who are training for a marathon, I have decided that I will train to run the Leeds half marathon next year. It tends to be around my birthday, so what better way to celebrate turning 35 (!) than by being the fittest and healthiest I can be?
I have run a couple of half marathons before, but that was 14 and 15 years ago. Much like slimming, I know I am capable of it if I stick to it. Hopefully now I have a target I will get out and run more - I need to if I am not to let myself and any supporters down next May.
I will try to share my progress as often as I can :-)