Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Challenge accepted...

So that's what a very stressful time at work followed by a very indulgent holiday does...

After my last weigh in (a loss which took me back to my lowest weight this year) I set myself a target of coming back to group after my holiday with a maintain. I was going to make the right choices and food optimise where possible.

That went well and truly out the window with the most stressful period I have ever had at work (if it continued for much longer I was ready to call it a day and get as far away as possible without looking back) which meant late nights, no chance to shop for SW friendly foods and feeding myself with whatever was available.  The week's holiday that followed was a time of de-stressing and indulging in very synful food, but I feel it was needed and despite the 5lb gain tonight I am now in a good frame of mind.

It's back to basics now, and an attempt at "the scan bran challenge".  That will involve me eating 5 slices of scan bran each day for a week, as well as getting right back on plan, starting tomorrow. For those of you not acquainted with the wonder that is scan bran, picture the remnants of a bowl of all bran that have been left to adhere themselves to the bowl so long that only a pneumatic drill could shift them and you're pretty close. Sound appetising?  Maybe not, but it gets results, so provided I stick with it I should get a decent result on the scales next week.

I will try to give updates on my progress and hope to try out some new recipes to help me get my scan bran fix. I might even come up with one good enough to take to taster night on Tuesday!

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