Tuesday 11 June 2013

Fantastic five!

Having expected a gain this week,  it seems that I am actually really back in the swing of things.

This week saw me not putting on weight for 5 weigh ins in a row!! In that time I've lost half a stone. Add the previous 4 weigh ins (2 gains and 2 losses) and it's the best part of a stone in 9 weigh ins.

That's the best I've done in ages - I rarely avoid putting on weight for 2 weeks, let alone 5! There have only been two occasions when I've kept weight off for longer, and those were right at the start of my weight loss journey.

It feels like I am back on track, but I'm not taking anything for granted. I've still got a very long way to go to reach my target, but with the support of my amazing wife (who by the way has lost 12lb recently), it feels like some day I will get there.

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