Last night I put on 1lb over 2 weeks. I'd expected a bigger gain than that since a lot of that time I'd been off plan. I had got the fortnight off to a decent start SW wise and that's helped to manage the gain.
Last night was the first time I've stayed to group (other than taster nights) for quite some time (the last time was probably towards the end of last year) and will definitely not be the last time. I'm hoping/planning to stay to group more often since I picked up some great tips and realised that although there are a number of members of the group storming ahead with their weight loss and approaching target, there are also others like me - people who are yo-yoing and haven't lost much (if any) weight compared to the start of this year. The support and advice that people were giving was fantastic - we've got a really good group and I now have renewed determination to get my head in gear and shift this weight.
I got back from group and made a keema curry, a chicken and courgette curry and (kind of) sweetcorn pakora - all dead simple, but really tasty. Hopefully my inspiration will continue and I can start coming up with some new creations to share with you all on here.
Here's to a week of positivity followed by a loss on Tuesday. When my consultant asked how much I was aiming to lose I said 2lb. Most others in the group are aiming for 3lb so it's very tempting to decide to aim for that too. I think I'll play it safe though - with a goal of 2lb if I manage 3lb I'll be delighted since it's more than expected and if I only manage a small loss then it's still not far off what I was aiming for. At the moment any loss is good!
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