Sunday 15 December 2013

Running log - 15.12.2013

Today was the big day. I joined 350 santas in raising money for St Gemma's Hospice. After scoping out the course I was fairly confident of getting a decent time - by conserving some energy for the long hill near the end. That was until they announced at the start that the route was only 1/2 a mile, so there would be two laps - I'd have to deal with that hill twice! The actual running was tough - it was a fairly hilly course, and wearing the santa outfit made it harder. The atmosphere and experience was fantastic though. It must've been something special to see 350 santas warming up in unison before the race. I did 1 mile in 13m30s - 3 or 4 minutes slower than I'd hoped, but all things considered I was happy. Thanks to all of my supporters - thanks to them I raised over £150 for the charity. That will go along with everything raised by the other runners, which in total should cover the costs to care for 2 people referred to the hospice.

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