Saturday 7 December 2013

Running log 7.12.2013

Two days without a run due to tightness in my left calf, so today was a chance to blow the cobwebs away, or so I thought. I got quarter of a mile and just didn't have it in me to go further. I'm really frustrated - I got off to a good start, but for some reason my mind just couldn't get me to keep going. The worst part of all is that it was as I was going up the biggest hill on my route - I really hope it doesn't become some sort of psychological barrier to me. Distance travelled - 1/4 of a mile in 2.30. I need to make sure I keep getting out on the road though - I picked up my Santa outfit for next weekends Santa dash last night (if you want to sponsor me then see here: but it's a little too small for me (I might need to make some alterations to it and will definitely have to wear my running gear under it to avoid the embarrassment (and cold!) if it falls apart during the run. Not sure how I'm going to cope breathing through the beard though!!

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